Sharon and I are new grandparents.

Not too many things can make you happier, more renewed and reminded that "hope springs eternal",  than holding a beautiful new baby. We will have her all to ourselves for the first time this weekend... planning on doing little other than playing with the baby and soaking it in. She's on the verge of crawling, isn't that AMAZING!!! 

This is our baby... the father of the NEW BABY!

This is our baby... the father of the NEW BABY!

Yes, we are perfectly happy to wear PJs all day and talk silly... really silly, "ooo doo be do bee... who's the prettiest little girl? Yes you are... yes you are!". See, like that. We're trying hard not to use the same tone that we've learned to use with Buddy... the dog. "Who's the best boy? Yes, your are... yes, etc."  - whoops.

We have amassed thousands of photos and you must see them... every. single. one. Because she is perfect, right? 

So, here's a little Friday love letter. That's my son, the new father, with the worlds craziest laugh when he was a baby himself. And MLK gives us a one liner that just felt right somehow. "Like anybody..." Thanks Reverend King. Love, indeed.


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